Sunday, March 12, 2006

Going Through the Process

Anyone who knows me knows I like to plan. I am not necessarily organized but on any given big event I like to put the small pieces together. Chris would say she is marking another step off the white board. I am no different with the adoption. I love the time spent going through the process and taking in the experience and I dread the days when I have checked off all the list I can and just have to wait. I think that is why I like the lists they give me something to do to pass the time that is meaningful throughout the process. Sometimes I complain about it because if nothing else it is time consuming. However, there is a sense of satisfaction that yes I am indeed a part of this process and I have input into helping the process move along smoothly. During those times I daydream about our child and what she will look like. Will she scream non stop for days on end when we get to take her with us? Will she be that child who adapts well and takes up with us more immediately? What will she eventually call us when she starts to talk will it be Mama like my husband does his mother or my simple mom? Will she say dad or daddy or gosh forbid diddy? Also as we go along in the process, we are in fact getting ready to wait. I feel like every tick mark on those list means we are a little closer to reaching our dreams.

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