Thursday, August 31, 2006

Part Prayer/Part Post

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I haven't met you yet, yet I miss you already. Know that you are all I am able to think about, and I am able to think about much. I have had visions of you since your mother first gave breath to the notion of you. I have sought you in my mind, bringing you to rest in my heart. A heart that didn't know it had such depths until it held you. No arms holding you will satisfy me, no arms short of mine. Short is the distance between your heart and mine, but long is the distance that now stands between us. I don't know what the future holds...I only with fear and trembling know the one who holds the future in his hands. For now you'll have to sleep in his hands. May angels speed me to you. May angels surround you. May angels surround me. Goodnight Sophie. Amen.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

a beautiful little girl and a powerful, thoughtful prayer. thank you for sharing.