It may be the subject of urban legend... It may be the truth... Either way, the impact is nonetheless the same. My own father's first words...first thoughts...about me where something to the effect of "I don't want you!" I now am faced with thinking about what my first words will be to my child. I think and discover that my first words come from the first words my heavenly father must have first said to me. God's first words to me where "I love you. I want you. I choose you." God chose me, and indeed all people, from the beginning. The Psalmist wrote how God knew us even before we were an us! I already want my child...who knows if she is born yet or not! It doesn't matter. I want you...wherever you are or soon will be! You hear me! I want you. I choose you because God has chosen you for me. (I have some issues saying this because it leaves the question why didn't God choose the other kids in the orphanage...the reality is that God has chosen and is always with the least of our brothers and sisters in society! I say choose here in the sense that I want to raise my child to always choose to be with those who are most in need!) Most importantly, God's first words are always "I love you." God is love (1 John...I forget the chapter and verse) and of course God would speak "love." So there it is...my first words to my child. I love you. I want you. I choose you. You're mine...and I will be yours forever. Wow.
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